New Faith Baptist Church Leadership Team

Meet The Team

New Baptist has leadership with two things in common:
Love for God and love for others.
These are our guiding principles.

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Brandon Carter – Pastor

Brandon took over leadership at New Faith Baptist on January 6, 2019. He has a Master’s of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Seminary and a Bachelors of Art from Ouachita Baptist University. Among his past positions Brandon was Pastor of Lighthouse Baptist in Meridian, Texas and a Youth Pastor with Southwood Baptist in Fort Worth, Texas. Brandon is married with two daughters and is equally passionate about shepherding the flock as he is evangelizing the community.

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Kim Carter – Pastor’s wife

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Chuck Miller – Elder/Ordained minister


Rusty Orr – Elder and
Ordained minister


Jonathan Fahl – Associate Pastor of Family Ministries


Mark Boone – Head of Deacons

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Chuck Cox – Deacon/Treasurer

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Billy Dowd – Deacon/Minister of Music

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Ken George – Trustee

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Michael Moore – Trustee


Darrell Schultz – Church Media Director

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Linda LaRose  – Women’s Ministries


Chris Watson – Deacon


Monica Dowd – Sign Language Interpreter


Sheryl Miller – Pianist

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Chloe Henderson – Administrative Assistant
