The Weatherford Pythian Home

James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress,and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
So, what is this castle doing, out in all places the heart of Texas, in fact Weatherford, Texas. Since 1907, to which the cornerstone was laid, the Texas Pythian Home has been doing this – “pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father…”
New Faith Baptist has been blessed with so many saints willing to do the work of the Lord and members Lisa Watson, Administrator and husband Chris Watson have and continue to lovingly manage and shepherd the Pythian Home in Weatherford.
Keep the Watsons in your prayers and in your giving of volunteer work and gifts. You can find their website here.
Also, here’s a portfolio of images for the Pythian Home and from their recent garage sale.

Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association founded in 1899 in Wisconsin. The Gideons’ primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible free of charge. This Bible distribution is a global enterprise taking place in more than 190 countries, territories and possessions.
Every day, through your support, Gideons are putting God’s Word into the hands of millions with more than 82 million Scriptures annually. Please pray for this important ministry.
We are proud to announce that one of our new members is a Lifetime Gideon – Mr. Charles Witherspoon. God will certainly be saying “well done good and faithful servant” as we continue to see Jesus in the members of our church.
You can find out more about the Gideons by clicking on the image above.
Glen Bird
You know you’re in Texas when one of the members of your church gets inducted into the Bull Riding Hall of Fame. It certainly doesn’t happen when your church is in California.
Well, that’s what happened, as one of our members, Glen Bird, was just inducted into the 2018 Bull Riders Hall of Fame with these words:
“Welcome to The Bull Riding Hall of Fame! It’s an 8 second ride of which legends are made… An athlete matching skills with a ton of raw power with cat-like agility.
Whether you’re a bull rider or a lover of the sport, you know there’s not a competition in the world that’s as demanding or as dangerous as bull riding! Our great sport has a legendary history that is as colorful and rich in tradition as any sport in the world.
From the early days, champions have emerged and excelled. The legacies of these greats live today in the hearts and souls of bull riding lovers everywhere. Since it’s beginnings in rodeo, bull riding has been the most exciting and popular of all the rodeo events. Along the way it has also evolved into a stand alone sport with it’s own captivating identity.
It’s undeniably a sport like no other!”
As long time members with his wife Judy, Glen may just be one of the toughest guys around (if you can say that anymore…) he’s certainly well loved and respected.
You can read more about Glen by clicking on the image above.